
Join the Movement

We are bringing together state of the art breathalyzers with technology to detect behavioral pattern changes. It doesn't matter if you work with Parole, Probation, Pretrial, Re-entry Courts, Drug Courts, Treatment Facilities or a Private Probation Company. OSM has a solution to fit your needs and your budget.

  • Reliable and Secure Platform
  • Customer service you can count on
  • Everything is perfectly orgainized in one place
  • Tons of features and easy to customize for risk profiles

What's this about?

Outreach is an app that was created to reduce the stigma of outdated technology for monitoring offenders and provide a more modern avenue to help them be able to get more positive reinforcement from being compliant with monitoring requirements. By removing the hardware of old technology and replacing it with modern technology that they already own and use everyday we are changing the view offenders have and their willingness to comply with monitoring requirements.

Outreach accomplishes this by allowing the offender to maintaining a more structured “normal” life without disruption to go test. We provide a resource that they carry with them all the time to notify them of tests, court dates, therapy or class appointments as well as provide positive reinforcement that they are being compliant. The monitoring party also has the ability to more closely evaluate an offenders progress and make adjustments as needed.


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